Currently on exhibit in the Wagner Education Center. 

Historic Small Craft of the Pacific Northwest was unveiled at the Grand Opening of the Wagner Education Center on March 23rd, 2019 and features 9 small craft primarily from King County, many of which originated in our active fleet. Boats on display include a GEORGE POCOCK ROWING WHERRY, HVALSOE 13, INTERNATIONAL 14 SAILING DINGHY, LAKE OSWEGO BOAT, WILLITS CANOE, OLD TOWN DOUBLE END BOAT, CAMA SKIFF NO. 20, MCCURDY DORY, AND REINELL DINGHY. 

The exhibit is intended to provide an informative overview of designs with origins in the Pacific Northwest while also serving as an invitation for active, hands-on engagement with wooden vessels like these in our boat shops and on our docks.

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3 rowboats and a canoe in the hang above the CWB gift shop